
teaching with technology

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Interesting iPad apps to use in Kindergarten and Primary School

Here are some apps for the iPad that you can use in Kindergarten and Primary.


Tiny Tap


Flash Cards

Show Me

And if you want to explore more lessons that you can use with the iPad, check out Lisa Johnson‘s page! Or here is a great site with an extensive list of apps for use in education along with the learning objectives! Edtech Teacher

Getting started with the iPad hints and tips!

iPad Home Screen

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Amazing teachers conference in Hong Kong “21st Century Learning”

Having being interested in educational technology (edtech) for some years I have attended many workshops and seminars on edtech. This year was the first time to attend 21CLHK and it was just fantastic. I want to thank Cecilia from Apple Hong Kong for providing me with the ticket as without that I am not sure I could of attended. But I must say it was well worth the $400 US and I can say it has changed my outlook on teaching and gave me a new passion for how I teach and what we can do to improve our teaching!

There where so many great workshops and keynotes, and they all where excellent! Dan Meyer spoke about bring perplexity into the lesson and gave some great examples of how to do this using multi-media like youtube. He did a Ted talk in 2010.

Another great keynote was that of Dr. Larry Rosen, he is a research psychologist with specialties in generational differences, parenting, child and adolescent development, business psychology and is an expert the “Psychology of Technology.” He spoke of how technology has changed the way we communicate and that this generation uses many different media to communicate and learn. He sees social media as playing a large role in reaching and teaching this generation.

And for practical teaching tools there was a workshop on Edmodo which was run by William Stewart and we saw how to integrate iBook Author with Comic Life and Keynote to make amazing multi-media Marval style comic books run by Patrick McMahon. Also he shared with us an interesting and useful app that mirrors any Apple device connected to the same wifi network called Reflector

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Since I started teaching eight years ago I often wondered why schools used so much paper and why they had not used technology to replace paper where ever they could so this is great to see that a a paperless school is possible!

WordPress.com News

Last month, we attended the Modern Language Association’s annual conference in Boston, Massachusetts, and had a great time talking to educators about how WordPress.com encourages in-class conversations to keep going and keeps students and parents up to date. Today, we’re taking a closer look at how some tech-savvy teachers are using WordPress.com to create educational experiences that seamlessly blend the traditional and virtual worlds.

The Paper-Free Class Experiment

My name is Mr. Hays and I teach 8th grade Language Arts. I am a National Board Certified teacher, and I have been reflecting on my role as a teacher this past summer. This year, I  have decided to try a radically different approach to teaching. I want to step away from the traditional classroom for a while and see just how much we can do online.

With The Paper-Free Class Experiment, Florida middle school English teacher James Hays has built…

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